Technical data
- Range (O2) 0...25%vol
- Range (CO) 0...100000 ppm
- Range (NO) 0...5000 ppm
- Range (NO2) 0...1000 ppm
- Range (SO2) 0...5000 ppm
- Range (H2) 0...40000 ppm
- Range (H2S) 0...5000 ppm
- Range (NH3) 0...500 ppm
- Range (CxHy) 0..5% vol CH4
- Range (CH4) 0..100%vol
- Range (CO2) 0..50%vol
- Differential flue gas temperature and temperature outdoor air temperature and room temperature
- Draft and Differential Pressure
Main features
- Standard EN50379-1, EN50379-2, EN50581, EN60335-1, EN50270
- 100 MB for complete analysis memory
- Bluetooth for Smart phone
- Software for investigation via PC
- Android app for investigation via Smart phone
Data sheet (English)
pdf data_NOVO